SLC Parking Garage Transformed Into Drive-In Shakespeare Theater
June 18, 2020
KSL News
By Peter Rosen
Live theater has gone largely dark during the pandemic, but one Salt Lake City theater group, for which all the world is a stage, has found a way to perform Shakespeare for a live audience. They’re doing it in a parking garage at The Gateway.
Brown and his co-artistic director Rick Curtiss settled on “Romeo and Juliet”, or their version of it, and Brown asked composer Wachira Waigwa-Stone to score the piece. The result was “Through Yonder Window,” a nontraditional version of the Shakespeare play.
Audience members drive into the “theater” and park around the “stage.” They remain in their vehicles and listen to a prerecorded soundtrack on their car radios. The actors, donning masks and maintaining their social distances, move and dance but let the soundtrack do most of the talking.
True to the name of the performing arts company, it is an immersive production that tells four stories of forbidden love, one Shakespeare wrote (about the star-crossed couple) and three Curtiss invented. Which ones you see depends upon where you park.
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