Bartenda’s Choice
January 15, 2020
City Weekly
By Erin Moore
At Seabird, The Low End Theory by A Tribe Called Quest spins on vinyl behind the bar, on the second to last day of 2019. It’s a chilly day that spurs me to immediately order a hot toddy from Matt Cantu, the bartender on duty who has been working in and managing bars around the valley for years. But this is his first time managing a vinyl bar—and at that, the only one in Salt Lake City.
Everything about Seabird is quite thoughtful. Vinyl is stacked on shelves around the bar, which is minimal—keeping the small space from feeling cramped or stuffy—with a big window that looks down into the water fountains in The Gateway’s Olympic plaza. The menu is a puzzle; you have to turn it this way and that to read the lists of booze and cocktails. It’s like a spinning record.
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